Tommi's Dough


An Italian chef passionate about dough and fermentation.

About Dough

麵粉和水即成麵團,但你知道做出一個外酥內軟、蜂巢狀結構、每口嚼出天然麥香的好吃麵團,需要包含多少蛋白質、多少水分、經過多長時間的發酵 ?以及溫度、酵母、麩質、麵粉之間又產生了什麼樣的化學變化? 就讓Tommi主廚不私藏,帶你一窺麵團的奧秘,無論是酸種麵包、拿坡里披薩、羅馬披薩、piadina、佛卡夏等各種餅皮麵包都能一次打包!

Flour and water may form a simple dough, but do you know what it takes to create a dough that’s perfectly crispy on the outside and soft on the inside? How much protein should the flour contain? What’s the ideal hydration level? How long should it ferment? What happens to the yeast, gluten, and flour during fermentation, and how do temperature and time affect the process? Let Chef Tommi unveil the secrets of dough-making, sharing his expertise to help you master the art of perfect dough. From sourdough bread and Neapolitan pizza to Roman pizza, piadina, and focaccia—master all these doughs and flatbreads in one go!

Our Story

全球好評 ─ 從塔斯馬尼亞、伊斯坦堡再到台灣高雄!

Globally Praised ─ From Tasmania and Istanbul to Kaohsiung, Taiwan!

我們的麵團曾在澳洲塔斯馬尼亞Franklin Tavern中,成為當地居民與櫻桃採收者的美食首選;也在土耳其伊斯坦堡附近的自然農場受到學者和農夫們的喜愛。在雪梨Manly的Hostel開放式廚房,為來自世界各地的旅客帶來家鄉的溫暖;也在西澳Rottnest Island酒店中舉辦的披薩派對,廣受好評!

Our dough has been the top culinary choice at Franklin Tavern in Tasmania, Australia, loved by both local residents and cherry pickers. It has also won the hearts of scholars and farmers at a natural farm near Istanbul, Turkey. In the open kitchen of a hostel in Manly, Sydney, it brought the warmth of home to travelers from all over the world; and it was a big hit at pizza parties hosted in a hotel on Rottnest Island, Western Australia!
Come and check out our pop-up store in Kaohsiung, Taiwan!




Beyond the Dough


Besides mastering dough, Tommi is also a professional chef with 10 years of experience in London! From authentic Italian cuisine to a wide variety of international dishes, there’s nothing he can’t handle!

Our Services


Book a Private Chef Table


Group Catering & Birthday Party Services


Individual & Group Cooking Classes


Follow Our Food Truck

Our Projects

Australia, Sydney – Hostel Welcome Party
Australia, Tasmania Franklin – Popup restaurant
Turkey, Istanbul – Biodynamic Event Catering
Taiwan, Kaohsiung – Photography Popup kitchen

What People Say

What’s an amazing taste! You should be rich!


Your Pizza is the best I’ve ever had in Australia!

Cherries Pickers

Tommi’s Cooking changes my life, respecting the local and the earth,
healthy and brand-new taste!


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